JavaScript Emotify: Making the web a better place, one tiny image at a time

Version: 0.6, Last updated: 11/17/2009

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JavaScript Emotify: Making the web a better place, one tiny image at a timeVersion: 0.6, Last updated: 11/17/2009
LicenseCopyright © 2009 “Cowboy” Ben Alman, Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
ExamplesThese working examples, complete with fully commented code, illustrate a few ways in which this plugin can be used.
Support and TestingInformation about what browsers this code has been tested in.
Release History
emotifyTurn text into emotified html.
emotify.emoticonsBy default, no emoticons are registered with emotify.


Copyright © 2009 “Cowboy” Ben Alman, Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.


These working examples, complete with fully commented code, illustrate a few ways in which this plugin can be used.

Basic Emotification
Adium Emoticonsets

Support and Testing

Information about what browsers this code has been tested in.

Browsers TestedInternet Explorer 6-8, Firefox 3-3.5, Safari 3-4, Chrome, Opera 9.6-10.

Release History

0.6(11/17/2009) Minor tweaks and bugfixes
0.5(8/17/2009) Initial release



Turn text into emotified html.  You know, like, with smileys.


var html = emotify( text [, callback ] );


text(String) Non-HTML text containing emoticons to be parsed.
callback(Function) If specified, this will be called once for each emoticon with four arguments: img, title, smiley and text.  The img and title arguments are the matched emoticon’s stored image url and title text.  The smiley argument is the primary smiley, and the text argument is the original text that was replaced.  If unspecified, the default emotification function is used.


(String) An HTML string containing inline emoticon image HTML.


By default, no emoticons are registered with emotify.  This method allows you to add one or more emoticons for future emotify parsing.


emotify.emoticons( [ base_url, ] [ replace_all, ] [ smilies ] );


base_url (String)An optional string to prepend to all image urls.
replace_all (Boolean)By default, added smileys only overwrite existing smileys with the same key, leaving the rest.  Set this to true to first remove all existing smileys before adding the new smileys.
smilies (Object)An object containing all the smileys to be added.  If smilies is omitted, the method does nothing but return the current internal smilies object.


(Object) The internal smilies object.  Do not modify this object directly, use the emotify.emoticons method instead.

A sample emotify.emoticons call and smilies object

emotify.emoticons( "/path/to/images/", {

  // "smiley": [ image_url, title_text [, alt_smiley ... ] ]

  ":-)": [ "happy.gif", "happy" ],
  ":-(": [ "sad.gif", "sad", ":(", "=(", "=-(" ]

In the above example, the happy.gif image would be used to replace all occurrences of :-) in the input text.  The callback would be called with the arguments “happy.gif”, “happy”, “:-)”, “:-)” and would generate this html by default: <img src=”happy.gif” title=”happy, :-)” alt=”” class=”smiley”/>

The sad.gif image would be used to replace not just :-( in the input text, but also :( and :^(.  If the text =( was matched, the callback would be called with the arguments “sad.gif”, “sad”, “:-(“, “=(“ and would generate this html by default: <img src=”sad.gif” title=”sad, :-(“ alt=”” class=”smiley”/>

Visit this URL for a much more tangible example.

Turn text into emotified html.