jQuery BBQ: Back Button & Query Library

Version: 1.2.1, Last updated: 2/17/2010

Project Homehttp://benalman.com/projects/jquery-bbq-plugin/
(Minified)http://github.com/cowboy/jquery-bbq/raw/master/jquery.ba-bbq.min.js (4.0kb)
jQuery BBQ: Back Button & Query LibraryVersion: 1.2.1, Last updated: 2/17/2010
LicenseCopyright © 2010 “Cowboy” Ben Alman, Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
ExamplesThese working examples, complete with fully commented code, illustrate a few ways in which this plugin can be used.
Support and TestingInformation about what version or versions of jQuery this plugin has been tested with, what browsers it has been tested in, and where the unit tests reside (so you can test it yourself).
Release History
Param (to string)
jQuery.param.querystringRetrieve the query string from a URL or if no arguments are passed, the current window.location.
jQuery.param.querystring (build url)Merge a URL, with or without pre-existing query string params, plus any object, params string or URL containing query string params into a new URL.
jQuery.param.fragmentRetrieve the fragment (hash) from a URL or if no arguments are passed, the current window.location.
jQuery.param.fragment (build url)Merge a URL, with or without pre-existing fragment (hash) params, plus any object, params string or URL containing fragment (hash) params into a new URL.
jQuery.param.fragment.noEscapeSpecify characters that will be left unescaped when fragments are created or merged using jQuery.param.fragment, or when the fragment is modified using jQuery.bbq.pushState.
Deparam (from string)
jQuery.deparamDeserialize a params string into an object, optionally coercing numbers, booleans, null and undefined values; this method is the counterpart to the internal jQuery.param method.
jQuery.deparam.querystringParse the query string from a URL or the current window.location, deserializing it into an object, optionally coercing numbers, booleans, null and undefined values.
jQuery.deparam.fragmentParse the fragment (hash) from a URL or the current window.location, deserializing it into an object, optionally coercing numbers, booleans, null and undefined values.
Element manipulation
jQuery.elemUrlAttrGet the internal “Default URL attribute per tag” list, or augment the list with additional tag-attribute pairs, in case the defaults are insufficient.
jQuery.fn.querystringUpdate URL attribute in one or more elements, merging the current URL (with or without pre-existing query string params) plus any params object or string into a new URL, which is then set into that attribute.
jQuery.fn.fragmentUpdate URL attribute in one or more elements, merging the current URL (with or without pre-existing fragment/hash params) plus any params object or string into a new URL, which is then set into that attribute.
History, hashchange event
jQuery.bbq.pushStateAdds a ‘state’ into the browser history at the current position, setting location.hash and triggering any bound hashchange event callbacks (provided the new state is different than the previous state).
jQuery.bbq.getStateRetrieves the current ‘state’ from the browser history, parsing location.hash for a specific key or returning an object containing the entire state, optionally coercing numbers, booleans, null and undefined values.
jQuery.bbq.removeStateRemove one or more keys from the current browser history ‘state’, creating a new state, setting location.hash and triggering any bound hashchange event callbacks (provided the new state is different than the previous state).
hashchange event (BBQ)In jQuery 1.4 and newer, the event object passed into any hashchange event callback is augmented with a copy of the location.hash fragment at the time the event was triggered as its event.fragment property.
jQuery hashchange eventVersion: 1.2, Last updated: 2/11/2010
LicenseCopyright © 2010 “Cowboy” Ben Alman, Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
ExamplesThis working example, complete with fully commented code, illustrate one way in which this plugin can be used.
Support and TestingInformation about what version or versions of jQuery this plugin has been tested with, what browsers it has been tested in, and where the unit tests reside (so you can test it yourself).
Known issuesWhile this jQuery hashchange event implementation is quite stable and robust, there are a few unfortunate browser bugs surrounding expected hashchange event-based behaviors, independent of any JavaScript window.onhashchange abstraction.
Release History
jQuery.hashchangeDelayThe numeric interval (in milliseconds) at which the hashchange event polling loop executes.
hashchange eventFired when location.hash changes.


Copyright © 2010 “Cowboy” Ben Alman, Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.  http://benalman.com/about/license/

Support and Testing

Information about what version or versions of jQuery this plugin has been tested with, what browsers it has been tested in, and where the unit tests reside (so you can test it yourself).

jQuery Versions1.3.2, 1.4.1, 1.4.2
Browsers TestedInternet Explorer 6-8, Firefox 2-3.7, Safari 3-4, Chrome 4-5, Opera 9.6-10.1.
Unit Testshttp://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-bbq/unit/

Release History

1.2.1(2/17/2010) Actually fixed the stale window.location Safari bug from jQuery hashchange event in BBQ, which was the main reason for the previous release!
1.2(2/16/2010) Integrated jQuery hashchange event v1.2, which fixes a Safari bug, the event can now be bound before DOM ready, and IE6/7 page should no longer scroll when the event is first bound.  Also added the jQuery.param.fragment.noEscape method, and reworked the hashchange event (BBQ) internal “add” method to be compatible with changes made to the jQuery 1.4.2 special events API.
1.1.1(1/22/2010) Integrated jQuery hashchange event v1.1, which fixes an obscure IE8 EmulateIE7 meta tag compatibility mode bug.
1.1(1/9/2010) Broke out the jQuery BBQ event.special hashchange event functionality into a separate plugin for users who want just the basic event & back button support, without all the extra awesomeness that BBQ provides.  This plugin will be included as part of jQuery BBQ, but also be available separately.  See jQuery hashchange event plugin for more information.  Also added the jQuery.bbq.removeState method and added additional jQuery.deparam examples.
1.0.3(12/2/2009) Fixed an issue in IE 6 where location.search and location.hash would report incorrectly if the hash contained the ? character.  Also jQuery.param.querystring and jQuery.param.fragment will no longer parse params out of a URL that doesn’t contain ? or #, respectively.
1.0.2(10/10/2009) Fixed an issue in IE 6/7 where the hidden IFRAME caused a “This page contains both secure and nonsecure items.” warning when used on an https:// page.
1.0.1(10/7/2009) Fixed an issue in IE 8.  Since both “IE7” and “IE8 Compatibility View” modes erroneously report that the browser supports the native window.onhashchange event, a slightly more robust test needed to be added.
1.0(10/2/2009) Initial release

Param (to string)

jQuery.param.querystringRetrieve the query string from a URL or if no arguments are passed, the current window.location.
jQuery.param.querystring (build url)Merge a URL, with or without pre-existing query string params, plus any object, params string or URL containing query string params into a new URL.
jQuery.param.fragmentRetrieve the fragment (hash) from a URL or if no arguments are passed, the current window.location.
jQuery.param.fragment (build url)Merge a URL, with or without pre-existing fragment (hash) params, plus any object, params string or URL containing fragment (hash) params into a new URL.
jQuery.param.fragment.noEscapeSpecify characters that will be left unescaped when fragments are created or merged using jQuery.param.fragment, or when the fragment is modified using jQuery.bbq.pushState.



Retrieve the query string from a URL or if no arguments are passed, the current window.location.


jQuery.param.querystring( [ url ] );


url(String) A URL containing query string params to be parsed.  If url is not passed, the current window.location is used.


(String) The parsed query string, with any leading “?” removed.

jQuery.param.querystring (build url)

Merge a URL, with or without pre-existing query string params, plus any object, params string or URL containing query string params into a new URL.


jQuery.param.querystring( url, params [, merge_mode ] );


url(String) A valid URL for params to be merged into.  This URL may contain a query string and/or fragment (hash).
params(String) A params string or URL containing query string params to be merged into url.
params(Object) A params object to be merged into url.
merge_mode(Number) Merge behavior defaults to 0 if merge_mode is not specified, and is as-follows:
  • 0: params in the params argument will override any query string params in url.
  • 1: any query string params in url will override params in the params argument.
  • 2: params argument will completely replace any query string in url.


(String) Either a params string with urlencoded data or a URL with a urlencoded query string in the format ‘a=b&c=d&e=f’.


Retrieve the fragment (hash) from a URL or if no arguments are passed, the current window.location.


jQuery.param.fragment( [ url ] );


url(String) A URL containing fragment (hash) params to be parsed.  If url is not passed, the current window.location is used.


(String) The parsed fragment (hash) string, with any leading “#” removed.

jQuery.param.fragment (build url)

Merge a URL, with or without pre-existing fragment (hash) params, plus any object, params string or URL containing fragment (hash) params into a new URL.


jQuery.param.fragment( url, params [, merge_mode ] );


url(String) A valid URL for params to be merged into.  This URL may contain a query string and/or fragment (hash).
params(String) A params string or URL containing fragment (hash) params to be merged into url.
params(Object) A params object to be merged into url.
merge_mode(Number) Merge behavior defaults to 0 if merge_mode is not specified, and is as-follows:
  • 0: params in the params argument will override any fragment (hash) params in url.
  • 1: any fragment (hash) params in url will override params in the params argument.
  • 2: params argument will completely replace any query string in url.


(String) Either a params string with urlencoded data or a URL with a urlencoded fragment (hash) in the format ‘a=b&c=d&e=f’.


Specify characters that will be left unescaped when fragments are created or merged using jQuery.param.fragment, or when the fragment is modified using jQuery.bbq.pushState.  This option only applies to serialized data object fragments, and not set-as-string fragments.  Does not affect the query string.  Defaults to “,/” (comma, forward slash).

Note that this is considered a purely aesthetic option, and will help to create URLs that “look pretty” in the address bar or bookmarks, without affecting functionality in any way.  That being said, be careful to not unescape characters that are used as delimiters or serve a special purpose, such as the “#?&=+” (octothorpe, question mark, ampersand, equals, plus) characters.


jQuery.param.fragment.noEscape( [ chars ] );


chars(String) The characters to not escape in the fragment.  If unspecified, defaults to empty string (escape all characters).



Deparam (from string)

jQuery.deparamDeserialize a params string into an object, optionally coercing numbers, booleans, null and undefined values; this method is the counterpart to the internal jQuery.param method.
jQuery.deparam.querystringParse the query string from a URL or the current window.location, deserializing it into an object, optionally coercing numbers, booleans, null and undefined values.
jQuery.deparam.fragmentParse the fragment (hash) from a URL or the current window.location, deserializing it into an object, optionally coercing numbers, booleans, null and undefined values.



Deserialize a params string into an object, optionally coercing numbers, booleans, null and undefined values; this method is the counterpart to the internal jQuery.param method.


jQuery.deparam( params [, coerce ] );


params(String) A params string to be parsed.
coerce(Boolean) If true, coerces any numbers or true, false, null, and undefined to their actual value.  Defaults to false if omitted.


(Object) An object representing the deserialized params string.


Parse the query string from a URL or the current window.location, deserializing it into an object, optionally coercing numbers, booleans, null and undefined values.


jQuery.deparam.querystring( [ url ] [, coerce ] );


url(String) An optional params string or URL containing query string params to be parsed.  If url is omitted, the current window.location is used.
coerce(Boolean) If true, coerces any numbers or true, false, null, and undefined to their actual value.  Defaults to false if omitted.


(Object) An object representing the deserialized params string.


Parse the fragment (hash) from a URL or the current window.location, deserializing it into an object, optionally coercing numbers, booleans, null and undefined values.


jQuery.deparam.fragment( [ url ] [, coerce ] );


url(String) An optional params string or URL containing fragment (hash) params to be parsed.  If url is omitted, the current window.location is used.
coerce(Boolean) If true, coerces any numbers or true, false, null, and undefined to their actual value.  Defaults to false if omitted.


(Object) An object representing the deserialized params string.

Element manipulation

jQuery.elemUrlAttrGet the internal “Default URL attribute per tag” list, or augment the list with additional tag-attribute pairs, in case the defaults are insufficient.
jQuery.fn.querystringUpdate URL attribute in one or more elements, merging the current URL (with or without pre-existing query string params) plus any params object or string into a new URL, which is then set into that attribute.
jQuery.fn.fragmentUpdate URL attribute in one or more elements, merging the current URL (with or without pre-existing fragment/hash params) plus any params object or string into a new URL, which is then set into that attribute.



Get the internal “Default URL attribute per tag” list, or augment the list with additional tag-attribute pairs, in case the defaults are insufficient.

In the jQuery.fn.querystring and jQuery.fn.fragment methods, this list is used to determine which attribute contains the URL to be modified, if an “attr” param is not specified.

Default Tag-Attribute List



jQuery.elemUrlAttr( [ tag_attr ] );


tag_attr(Object) An object containing a list of tag names and their associated default attribute names in the format { tag: ‘attr’, ...  } to be merged into the internal tag-attribute list.


(Object) An object containing all stored tag-attribute values.


Update URL attribute in one or more elements, merging the current URL (with or without pre-existing query string params) plus any params object or string into a new URL, which is then set into that attribute.  Like jQuery.param.querystring (build url), but for all elements in a jQuery collection.


jQuery('selector').querystring( [ attr, ] params [, merge_mode ] );


attr(String) Optional name of an attribute that will contain a URL to merge params or url into.  See jQuery.elemUrlAttr for a list of default attributes.
params(Object) A params object to be merged into the URL attribute.
params(String) A URL containing query string params, or params string to be merged into the URL attribute.
merge_mode(Number) Merge behavior defaults to 0 if merge_mode is not specified, and is as-follows:
  • 0: params in the params argument will override any params in attr URL.
  • 1: any params in attr URL will override params in the params argument.
  • 2: params argument will completely replace any query string in attr URL.


(jQuery) The initial jQuery collection of elements, but with modified URL attribute values.


Update URL attribute in one or more elements, merging the current URL (with or without pre-existing fragment/hash params) plus any params object or string into a new URL, which is then set into that attribute.  Like jQuery.param.fragment (build url), but for all elements in a jQuery collection.


jQuery('selector').fragment( [ attr, ] params [, merge_mode ] );


attr(String) Optional name of an attribute that will contain a URL to merge params into.  See jQuery.elemUrlAttr for a list of default attributes.
params(Object) A params object to be merged into the URL attribute.
params(String) A URL containing fragment (hash) params, or params string to be merged into the URL attribute.
merge_mode(Number) Merge behavior defaults to 0 if merge_mode is not specified, and is as-follows:
  • 0: params in the params argument will override any params in attr URL.
  • 1: any params in attr URL will override params in the params argument.
  • 2: params argument will completely replace any fragment (hash) in attr URL.


(jQuery) The initial jQuery collection of elements, but with modified URL attribute values.

History, hashchange event

jQuery.bbq.pushStateAdds a ‘state’ into the browser history at the current position, setting location.hash and triggering any bound hashchange event callbacks (provided the new state is different than the previous state).
jQuery.bbq.getStateRetrieves the current ‘state’ from the browser history, parsing location.hash for a specific key or returning an object containing the entire state, optionally coercing numbers, booleans, null and undefined values.
jQuery.bbq.removeStateRemove one or more keys from the current browser history ‘state’, creating a new state, setting location.hash and triggering any bound hashchange event callbacks (provided the new state is different than the previous state).
hashchange event (BBQ)In jQuery 1.4 and newer, the event object passed into any hashchange event callback is augmented with a copy of the location.hash fragment at the time the event was triggered as its event.fragment property.
jQuery hashchange eventVersion: 1.2, Last updated: 2/11/2010
LicenseCopyright © 2010 “Cowboy” Ben Alman, Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
ExamplesThis working example, complete with fully commented code, illustrate one way in which this plugin can be used.
Support and TestingInformation about what version or versions of jQuery this plugin has been tested with, what browsers it has been tested in, and where the unit tests reside (so you can test it yourself).
Known issuesWhile this jQuery hashchange event implementation is quite stable and robust, there are a few unfortunate browser bugs surrounding expected hashchange event-based behaviors, independent of any JavaScript window.onhashchange abstraction.
Release History
jQuery.hashchangeDelayThe numeric interval (in milliseconds) at which the hashchange event polling loop executes.
hashchange eventFired when location.hash changes.



Adds a ‘state’ into the browser history at the current position, setting location.hash and triggering any bound hashchange event callbacks (provided the new state is different than the previous state).

If no arguments are passed, an empty state is created, which is just a shortcut for jQuery.bbq.pushState( {}, 2 ).


jQuery.bbq.pushState( [ params [, merge_mode ] ] );


params(String) A serialized params string or a hash string beginning with # to merge into location.hash.
params(Object) A params object to merge into location.hash.
merge_mode(Number) Merge behavior defaults to 0 if merge_mode is not specified (unless a hash string beginning with # is specified, in which case merge behavior defaults to 2), and is as-follows:
  • 0: params in the params argument will override any params in the current state.
  • 1: any params in the current state will override params in the params argument.
  • 2: params argument will completely replace current state.



Additional Notes

  • Setting an empty state may cause the browser to scroll.
  • Unlike the fragment and querystring methods, if a hash string beginning with # is specified as the params agrument, merge_mode defaults to 2.


Retrieves the current ‘state’ from the browser history, parsing location.hash for a specific key or returning an object containing the entire state, optionally coercing numbers, booleans, null and undefined values.


jQuery.bbq.getState( [ key ] [, coerce ] );


key(String) An optional state key for which to return a value.
coerce(Boolean) If true, coerces any numbers or true, false, null, and undefined to their actual value.  Defaults to false.


(Anything) If key is passed, returns the value corresponding with that key in the location.hash ‘state’, or undefined.  If not, an object representing the entire ‘state’ is returned.


Remove one or more keys from the current browser history ‘state’, creating a new state, setting location.hash and triggering any bound hashchange event callbacks (provided the new state is different than the previous state).

If no arguments are passed, an empty state is created, which is just a shortcut for jQuery.bbq.pushState( {}, 2 ).


jQuery.bbq.removeState( [ key [, key ... ] ] );


key(String) One or more key values to remove from the current state, passed as individual arguments.
key(Array) A single array argument that contains a list of key values to remove from the current state.



Additional Notes

  • Setting an empty state may cause the browser to scroll.


hashchange event (BBQ)

Usage in jQuery 1.4 and newer

In jQuery 1.4 and newer, the event object passed into any hashchange event callback is augmented with a copy of the location.hash fragment at the time the event was triggered as its event.fragment property.  In addition, the event.getState method operates on this property (instead of location.hash) which allows this fragment-as-a-state to be referenced later, even after window.location may have changed.

Note that event.fragment and event.getState are not defined according to W3C (or any other) specification, but will still be available whether or not the hashchange event exists natively in the browser, because of the utility they provide.

The event.fragment property contains the output of jQuery.param.fragment and the event.getState method is equivalent to the jQuery.bbq.getState method.

$(window).bind( 'hashchange', function( event ) {
  var hash_str = event.fragment,
    param_obj = event.getState(),
    param_val = event.getState( 'param_name' ),
    param_val_coerced = event.getState( 'param_name', true );

Usage in jQuery 1.3.2

In jQuery 1.3.2, the event object cannot to be augmented as in jQuery 1.4+, so the fragment state isn’t bound to the event object and must instead be parsed using the jQuery.param.fragment and jQuery.bbq.getState methods.

$(window).bind( 'hashchange', function( event ) {
  var hash_str = $.param.fragment(),
    param_obj = $.bbq.getState(),
    param_val = $.bbq.getState( 'param_name' ),
    param_val_coerced = $.bbq.getState( 'param_name', true );

Additional Notes

  • Due to changes in the special events API, jQuery BBQ v1.2 or newer is required to enable the augmented event object in jQuery 1.4.2 and newer.
  • See jQuery hashchange event for more detailed information.



Copyright © 2010 “Cowboy” Ben Alman, Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.  http://benalman.com/about/license/


This working example, complete with fully commented code, illustrate one way in which this plugin can be used.

hashchange eventhttp://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-hashchange/examples/hashchange/

Support and Testing

Information about what version or versions of jQuery this plugin has been tested with, what browsers it has been tested in, and where the unit tests reside (so you can test it yourself).

jQuery Versions1.3.2, 1.4.1, 1.4.2
Browsers TestedInternet Explorer 6-8, Firefox 2-3.7, Safari 3-4, Chrome, Opera 9.6-10.1.
Unit Testshttp://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-hashchange/unit/

Known issues

While this jQuery hashchange event implementation is quite stable and robust, there are a few unfortunate browser bugs surrounding expected hashchange event-based behaviors, independent of any JavaScript window.onhashchange abstraction.  See the following examples for more information:

Chrome: Back Buttonhttp://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-hashchange/examples/bug-chrome-back-button/
Firefox: Remote XMLHttpRequesthttp://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-hashchange/examples/bug-firefox-remote-xhr/
WebKit: Back Button in an Iframehttp://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-hashchange/examples/bug-webkit-hash-iframe/
Safari: Back Button from a different domainhttp://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-hashchange/examples/bug-safari-back-from-diff-domain/

Release History

1.2(2/11/2010) Fixed a bug where coming back to a page using this plugin from a page on another domain would cause an error in Safari 4.  Also, IE6/7 Iframe is now inserted after the body (this actually works), which prevents the page from scrolling when the event is first bound.  Event can also now be bound before DOM ready, but it won’t be usable before then in IE6/7.
1.1(1/21/2010) Incorporated document.documentMode test to fix IE8 bug where browser version is incorrectly reported as 8.0, despite inclusion of the X-UA-Compatible IE=EmulateIE7 meta tag.
1.0(1/9/2010) Initial Release.  Broke out the jQuery BBQ event.special window.onhashchange functionality into a separate plugin for users who want just the basic event & back button support, without all the extra awesomeness that BBQ provides.  This plugin will be included as part of jQuery BBQ, but also be available separately.



The numeric interval (in milliseconds) at which the hashchange event polling loop executes.  Defaults to 100.


hashchange event

Fired when location.hash changes.  In browsers that support it, the native window.onhashchange event is used (IE8, FF3.6), otherwise a polling loop is initialized, running every jQuery.hashchangeDelay milliseconds to see if the hash has changed.  In IE 6 and 7, a hidden Iframe is created to allow the back button and hash-based history to work.


$(window).bind( 'hashchange', function(e) {
  var hash = location.hash;

Additional Notes

  • The polling loop and Iframe are not created until at least one callback is actually bound to ‘hashchange’.
  • If you need the bound callback(s) to execute immediately, in cases where the page ‘state’ exists on page load (via bookmark or page refresh, for example) use $(window).trigger( ‘hashchange’ );
  • The event can be bound before DOM ready, but since it won’t be usable before then in IE6/7 (due to the necessary Iframe), recommended usage is to bind it inside a $(document).ready() callback.
Retrieve the fragment (hash) from a URL or if no arguments are passed, the current window.location.
Adds a ‘state’ into the browser history at the current position, setting location.hash and triggering any bound hashchange event callbacks (provided the new state is different than the previous state).
Fired when location.hash changes.
Version: 1.2, Last updated: 2/11/2010
Specify characters that will be left unescaped when fragments are created or merged using jQuery.param.fragment, or when the fragment is modified using jQuery.bbq.pushState.
In jQuery 1.4 and newer, the event object passed into any hashchange event callback is augmented with a copy of the location.hash fragment at the time the event was triggered as its event.fragment property.
Remove one or more keys from the current browser history ‘state’, creating a new state, setting location.hash and triggering any bound hashchange event callbacks (provided the new state is different than the previous state).
Deserialize a params string into an object, optionally coercing numbers, booleans, null and undefined values; this method is the counterpart to the internal jQuery.param method.
Retrieve the query string from a URL or if no arguments are passed, the current window.location.
Update URL attribute in one or more elements, merging the current URL (with or without pre-existing query string params) plus any params object or string into a new URL, which is then set into that attribute.
Update URL attribute in one or more elements, merging the current URL (with or without pre-existing fragment/hash params) plus any params object or string into a new URL, which is then set into that attribute.
Merge a URL, with or without pre-existing query string params, plus any object, params string or URL containing query string params into a new URL.
Get the internal “Default URL attribute per tag” list, or augment the list with additional tag-attribute pairs, in case the defaults are insufficient.
Merge a URL, with or without pre-existing fragment (hash) params, plus any object, params string or URL containing fragment (hash) params into a new URL.
Retrieves the current ‘state’ from the browser history, parsing location.hash for a specific key or returning an object containing the entire state, optionally coercing numbers, booleans, null and undefined values.
The numeric interval (in milliseconds) at which the hashchange event polling loop executes.