Idiomatic jQuery



“Cowboy” Ben Alman

jQuery Core
Style Guidelines

Making Sure
Your Code Runs


Test in Different

Chrome, Firefox, Safari

Internet Explorer


Consistent Style

Spacing Comments Equality Blocks
Function Calls Arrays & Objects
Assignment Type Checks Strings

Inconsistent Style

(Just plain bad code)

    function validateContactForm() {
      var result = "";
        if($('#contact_form #name').val()=="") {
          result = false;
          return false;
        return result;
    function doesJQElementExistInDOM(jQueryElement)
    		return true;
    		return false;
    function show()
        for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {    	

    function hide()
        for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {    	

Adjust as Necessary

Collection Methods

Feeling jQuery-like

(Collection methods should be called on a jQuery object)

    function enumerate( elems, start ) {
      for ( var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++ ) {
        elems.eq( i ).prepend( "" + ( i + start ) + " " );
    // This is no fun!
    enumerate( $("li"), 1 );
    // Wouldn't you much rather do this?
    $("li").enumerate( 1 );

Methods should Chain

    // Create a new jQuery collection method.
    $.fn.enumerate = function() {
      // Code goes here.
    // This doesn't error, but it does nothing and returns undefined.
    // Error: cannot call method 'css' of undefined!
    $("li").enumerate().css( "color", "red" );
    // A simple test.
    var elems = $("li");
    $.fn.enumerate = function() {
      // What, exactly, is `this`? I have a nagging suspicion...
      console.log( this === elems );
    // Logs true!
    // Create a chainable jQuery collection method.
    $.fn.enumerate = function() {
      return this;
    // Does nothing, but returns the same jQuery object it was called on.
    // Because of this, it's chainable!
    $("li").enumerate().css( "color", "red" );

Implicit Iteration

(Plugins implicitly iterate… by explicitly iterating)

    // No explicit iteration in the plugin...
    $.fn.enumerate = function( start ){
      this.prepend( "" + start + " " );
      return this;
    // ...means no implicit iteration when it's used.
    $("li").enumerate( 1 );
    // Explicit iteration in the plugin...
    $.fn.enumerate = function( start ){
      for ( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) {
        this.eq( i ).prepend( "" + ( i + start ) + " " );
      return this;
    // ...means implicit iteration when it's used!
    $("li").enumerate( 1 );
    // But you should explicitly iterate using jQuery's .each().
    $.fn.enumerate = function( start ){
        $(this).prepend( "" + ( i + start ) + " " );
      return this;
    // Roll the return up to remove the extra, unnecessary line, and you
    // have the basic "Chainable jQuery Collection Method" pattern:
    $.fn.enumerate = function( start ){
      return this.each(function(i){
        $(this).prepend( "" + ( i + start ) + " " );

Stack Manipulation

How do you make a method “end”-able?

The .end Method

    // In brief:
    $("ul").find( "li" ).addClass( "fancy" ).end().addClass( "selected" );
    // Select all UL elements.
      // From there, find all LI descendants.
      .find( "li" )
        // Add a class to each selected LI element.
        .addClass( "fancy" )
        // Revert back to the previous collection.
      // Add a class to each selected UL element.
      .addClass( "selected" );

The .pushStack Method

    // The most basic "end"-able collection method.
    $.fn.listitems = function() {
      var elems = this.find( "li" );
      return this.pushStack( elems );
    // Just like before!
        .addClass( "fancy" )
      .addClass( "selected" );
    // An "end"-able collection method with an optional selector.
    $.fn.listitems = function( selector ){
      var elems = this.find( "li" );
      if ( selector ) {
        elems = elems.filter( selector );
      return this.pushStack( elems, "listitems", selector || "" );
    // Fancy!
      .listitems( ":first-child" )
        .addClass( "fancy" )
      .addClass( "selected" );

Getters & Setters

Setting a Value

    // Our basic, chainable, "enumerate" method.
    $.fn.enumerate = function( start ) {
      return this.each(function(i){
        $(this).prepend( "" + ( i + start ) + " " );
    // Enumerate the listitems, effectively "setting" values.
    $("li").enumerate( 1 );

Getting a Value

    // Only return the appropriate value from the first selected element.
    $.fn.getEnumerateStartingValueOMGLongName = function() {
      var val = this.eq( 0 ).children( "b" ).eq( 0 ).text();
      return Number( val );
    // Because this doesn't return a jQuery object, it's not chainable!

Getting & Setting

    // A jQuery collection method that both "sets" and "gets."
    $.fn.enumerate = function( start ) {
      if ( typeof start !== "undefined" ) {
        // Since `start` value was provided, enumerate and return
        // the initial jQuery object to allow chaining.
        return this.each(function(i){
          $(this).prepend( "" + ( i + start ) + " " );
      } else {
        // Since no `start` value was provided, function as a
        // getter, returing the appropriate value from the first
        // selected element.
        var val = this.eq( 0 ).children( "b" ).eq( 0 ).text();
        return Number( val );

Use a Closure

    // This is ok if it's just for you.
    $.fn.enumerate = function( start ){
      return this.each(function(i){
        $(this).prepend( "" + ( i + start ) + " " );
    // If you're sharing with others, you need to wrap your code
    // in an IIFE (Immediately-Invoked Function Expression).
      $.fn.enumerate = function( start ){
        return this.each(function(i){
          $(this).prepend( "" + ( i + start ) + " " );
    // Closures are great, because they allow you a private scope in
    // which you can store "private" variables and functions.
     * jQuery Tiny Pub/Sub - v0.3pre - 11/4/2010
     * Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
     * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
      var o = $({});
      $.subscribe = function(){
        o.bind.apply( o, arguments );
      $.unsubscribe = function(){
        o.unbind.apply( o, arguments );
      $.publish = function(){
        o.trigger.apply( o, arguments );

Utility Methods

Utility, Yes. jQuery, No.

    // What's wrong with this "jQuery plugin"? Hint: it's not
    // the code itself.
      $.log = function( msg ) {
        if ( $.log.enabled && window.console ) {
          console.log( msg );
      $.log.enabled = true;
    // Don't attach arbitrary methods to $ unless they're REALLY
    // jQuery plugins.
    var log = (function(){
      function fn( msg ) {
        if ( log.enabled && window.console ) {
          console.log( msg );
      fn.enabled = true;
      return fn;

This One's Legit

    // This method will never be called on a collection of elements,
    // it's just a utility method.
    $.deparam = function( str ) {
      var obj = {};
      $.each( str.split( "&" ), function(i,pair){
        var nv = pair.split( "=" );
        obj[ nv[0] ] = nv[ 1 ];
      return obj;
    $.deparam( "a=1&b=2&c=3" ); // { a: "1", b: "2", c: "3" }


    // For jQuery utility methods, this works.
    $.myPlugin = function() {
      // Code goes here.
    $.myPlugin.submethod = function() {
      // Code goes here.
    // For jQuery collection methods, this doesn't work.
    $.fn.myPlugin = function() {
      // Code goes here.
    $.fn.myPlugin.submethod = function() {
      // Code goes here.
    $("li").myPlugin();           // While this works great...
    $("li").myPlugin.submethod(); // This ain't gonna happen.
    // This kind of thing is also no good. It's technically possible
    // (with a lot of work) but it's confusing. For example, how do
    // you keep track of chaining? What does .end() do? No good.
    // Of course you can do this (and a whole lot more), using the
    // jQuery UI Widget Factory, and it works great.
    $("li").myPlugin( "submethod", options );
    // But for jQuery collection methods, this is usually sufficient.
    $.fn.myPluginSubmethod = function() {
      // Code goes here.
