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With jQuery Untils you easily traverse forward along next siblings, backwards along previous siblings, and upwards along parents, selecting all elements (or just elements that match an optional selector).
A simple nextUntil example, with an "until" selector
- List item with a class of "a"
- List item with a class of "b"
- List item with a class of "c"
- List item with a class of "d"
- List item with a class of "e"
- List item with a class of "f"
The code
$(function(){ // Example 1: From .a, select all next sibling elements until .f $('#ex1 .a').nextUntil('.f').addClass('selected'); });
A more complex nextUntil example, with both an "until" and "each" selector
Paragraph with a class of "a"
Span with a class of "b"Paragraph with a class of "c"
Span with a class of "d"Paragraph with a class of "e"
Span with a class of "f"The code
$(function(){ // Example 2: From .a, select all next sibling 'p' elements until .f $('#ex2 .a').nextUntil('.f', 'p').addClass('selected'); });