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As a long-time player of PC FPS (First Person Shooter) games, I got really excited when Battlefield 3 was announced. I’ve played most of the Battlefield games since the original (Battlefield 1942) and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the latest game in the series.

I’m not going to spend any time talking about the game, other than that it’s amazing. It’s not perfect, but games seldom are the week they’re released. Either way, I love it.

The thing is, EA did something a little different this time around. Instead of attempting to create an entire social experience in-game—Remember Tribes 2? Ouch—they contracted ESN to create a web-based server brower / social network called Battlelog.

While Battlelog is a fantastic idea, it has a few issues. I can’t address the fact that ESN has included jQuery 1.4.2, jQuery 1.4.4 and YUI 2.5.2 in their concatenated scripts. Nobody can fix that but them. Note: shame on them.

What I can do (and have done) is attempt to address some of the minor annoying issues surrounding refreshing and joining servers.


I’m a hard-core bookmarklet junkie. I love adding non-standard functionality to my browsers, so I’ve created a few bookmarklets, which are posted here. I’ve also created a jQuery bookmarklet generator, which you can use to create your own bookmarklets, should they require jQuery.


This code provides a simple wrapper for the console's logging methods, and was created to allow a very easy-to-use, cross-browser logging solution, without requiring excessive or unwieldy object detection. If a console object is not detected, all logged messages will be stored internally until a logging callback is added. If a console object is detected, but doesn't have any of the debug, info, warn, and error logging methods, log will be used in their place. For convenience, some of the less common console methods will be passed through to the console object if they are detected, otherwise they will simply fail gracefully.


JavaScript Emotify helps make the web a better place, one tiny image at a time… (the original title was “this is what it sounds like when HTML cries” but Prince’s lawyers sent me a C&D citing, get this, “bad taste”). Seriously though, this code turns text into “emotified” HTML. You know, like, with smileys.


Why go through the tedium of creating both a closure AND a .noConflict method when all you want to do is create your own JavaScript Library? With JavaScript Library Boilerplate, you can hit the ground running and create your own JavaScript Library in no time!

Note: Includes sample blazingly-fast 0.3kb QSA css selector library with full unit test suite, to help you get started!


This project is a work in progress!

Project details coming soon, for now check out the GitHub page!