All PHP Projects
With Simple PHP Proxy, your JavaScript can access content in remote webpages, without cross-domain security limitations, even if it’s not available in JSONP format. Of course, you’ll need to install this PHP script on your server.. but that’s a small price to have to pay for this much awesomeness.
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All Featured Projects
jQuery: BBQ, Bookmarklet Generator, cond, doTimeout, equalizeBottoms, getObject, hashchange event, iff, longUrl, Message Queuing, Misc plugins, outside events, postMessage, replaceText, resize event, Star Wipe, throttle / debounce, Untils, unwrap, URL Utils, urlInternal
JavaScript: Battlelog Hacks, Bookmarklets, Debug, Emotify, Library Boilerplate, Linkify
Other: Finder Copy Open Window Paths, Multi-Firefox Launcher, Safari View Source in TextMate, Simple PHP Proxy, Simplified