CSS: With HTTP requests, less is more!


Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to find new ways to optimize websites to enhance the front-end and the overall user experience. I’ve already spent some time working with CSS sprites (on benalman.com, for example) to reduce the number of HTTP requests, but just yesterday I decided to revisit a CSS technique I had been using for years, to see if I could optimize it somehow.

In this expanding box with shim example, I show how you can further minimize the number of HTTP requests by combining both the top and bottom parts of a fixed width, vertically expanding box into a single CSS sprite image, instead of the more traditional multi-image approach.

It’s not rocket science by any means, and there are a few minor caveats, but the code is pretty solid. Check out the example now, and let me know what you think!

And please, before you do so, note that it’s already been pointed out to me that I should be using the latest CSS3 border-radius and box-shadow techniques. Well, even though I normally make every effort to do this (like on this site’s sidebar, for example), the project I was working on very specifically required everything to look “just right” in IE.. which kinda rains on the whole CSS3 party.

Next time, for sure!

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