I'll be speaking at the 2011 jQuery Conference
I’m very excited to be speaking at this year’s Boston jQuery Conference. I’ll be giving a talk entitled “Plugin Authoring Best Practices,” so be sure to sign up for the conference, come to my talk, and say hello!
Also, the day before the conference, I’m going to be giving our full-day Bocoup Beginner jQuery Training. If you’re new to jQuery, this training will help get you prepared for all the great talks that you’ll see over the weekend. The training is a good value, with all proceeds benefit the jQuery project.
Here’s my talk abstract:
jQuery plugins are everywhere, and the chance that YOU will write one—if you haven’t already—are pretty high. It might start with a little bit of functionality that you want to reuse or share with someone else, but before you know it… you’ve released dozens of jQuery plugins and you’re writing articles and giving presentations on jQuery Plugin Authoring Best Practices at conferences…. Ok, maybe that’s just me.
Regardless, there are many techniques you should know for writing your own reusable jQuery code, or “jQuery plugin,” in a way that makes it feel like a natural extension of jQuery.
In this talk, you’ll learn how to create custom selectors, chainable methods that double as getters and setters, and traversal or filtering methods that are .end()-able. You’ll learn how to organize your code in IIFEs and namespaces, extend option defaults, and even create a custom package.json for your plugin, so that it can be submitted to the upcoming jQuery plugins index.
For more information or to register for the conference (or training), visit the Boston jQuery Conference website, and I’ll see you there!
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